Your path leads you here

Your path leads you here
On this night your path takes you to a small village. There is not much in the village, a few run down cottages, a well that has seen better days, a half standing stable and an Inn. You'd like to keep riding, but you know your steed needs rest and so do you. You hand your reins over to a dirty stable boy, open your coin purse and toss the lad the silver bit you pulled out, telling him "one more on the morrow if my horse is well fed and brushed." You wade your way through the muddy village towards the Inn. Looking up, you see the name "The Nightblade Inn." The outside doesn't look like much, but the smells drifting out makes you think of home. Your stomach begins to talk to you and start to salivate.

Entering The Nightblade Inn

 You push open the door barely attached to the hinges, an unusual silence greets uncommon for a Inn/Tavern.  You look around and s...

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Toor's story

Meet sweet Toor.  Toor came through an odd portal that appeared just outside the untraveled forest one day. Well, the untraveled forest is a story for another day. On with Toor’s story. When the portal opened, I was in a bit of a rush, there were guards after me (just a misunderstanding, I assure you), well Toor came falling out and what a mess he was. He was in odd clothing and a bit odd looking (as you can well tell). Being in a rush and seeing such a small, odd fellow in need I tried to pick him up gently so that I could get us both to safety. Yes, we were able to elude the guards and I brought Toor back to my hideout. There I cleaned him up, bandaged his wounds. He cannot speak, but he has his own way of communicating. He only needs to place his little hand onto yours and you can hear his thoughts. It was at this time when I learned of his special ability that I found out what had happened to him. In his world there was a great war with many weapons that have never been seen or thought of in our world. When the great war broke out the weapons destroyed bit by bit of Toor’s world. One weapon that was not truly a weapon was a travel device that had not yet been used, Toor & his fellow little beings had nothing to lose at this point only to gain if this travel device worked. It did work and as Toor was going through the portal the device made, a great explosion happened. Toor looked back as he saw a bright light, his fellow little beings disappeared and then darkness. Toor has never told me what he is, that is why I use the term little being. After saving Toor it made me want to settle my rogue ways. I built The Nightblade Inn to help all beings, however we do specialize in those that have to live in the shadows as Toor and I once had to for we have a special bond with those types.  Toor does an excellent job in the kitchen as our main cook. His favorite place to be is close to me hanging out on the shelves that hold different items of the Inn. So, if you're ever in The Nightblade Inn and you see a little being on a shelf behind me give a hardy hello and cheers to Toor. 


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