Your path leads you here

Your path leads you here
On this night your path takes you to a small village. There is not much in the village, a few run down cottages, a well that has seen better days, a half standing stable and an Inn. You'd like to keep riding, but you know your steed needs rest and so do you. You hand your reins over to a dirty stable boy, open your coin purse and toss the lad the silver bit you pulled out, telling him "one more on the morrow if my horse is well fed and brushed." You wade your way through the muddy village towards the Inn. Looking up, you see the name "The Nightblade Inn." The outside doesn't look like much, but the smells drifting out makes you think of home. Your stomach begins to talk to you and start to salivate.

Entering The Nightblade Inn

 You push open the door barely attached to the hinges, an unusual silence greets uncommon for a Inn/Tavern.  You look around and s...

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Journey to the Lands of the Lost Ones

 Tis that time again, when I must journey out to the lands of the ones that fell in battle, passed from sickness, plague or age.  It's not a journey or a time I look forward to.  The memories flood my every thought.  Things that were, is and how it could have been.  Thoughts of what I could have done better to prevent losing those warriors.  Yes, I know not everyone is a warrior, but when facing down death and his cold hands we all become warriors.  I've just closed The Nightblade Inn, blew out the last of the candles, boarded up the windows and doors.  My bag is packed with basic provisions for Toor, the little potioneer, and of course myself. So dear friend if you are reading this, The Nightblade Inn will reopen hopefully by Dies Saturni, ninth day, of the Month of the Goddesss Ēostre.

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