Your path leads you here

Your path leads you here
On this night your path takes you to a small village. There is not much in the village, a few run down cottages, a well that has seen better days, a half standing stable and an Inn. You'd like to keep riding, but you know your steed needs rest and so do you. You hand your reins over to a dirty stable boy, open your coin purse and toss the lad the silver bit you pulled out, telling him "one more on the morrow if my horse is well fed and brushed." You wade your way through the muddy village towards the Inn. Looking up, you see the name "The Nightblade Inn." The outside doesn't look like much, but the smells drifting out makes you think of home. Your stomach begins to talk to you and start to salivate.

Entering The Nightblade Inn

 You push open the door barely attached to the hinges, an unusual silence greets uncommon for a Inn/Tavern.  You look around and s...

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Looking for Adventurers...Will you help defeat the unknown source of the dark magic?

While out on my journeys away from The Nightblade Inn, I ventured to the outskirts of the Unnamed Forest.  As soon as I arrived at the ancient branch portal, I could tell something was foul.  Every sense in my being was on edge.  The smell was not a crisp air, but a pungent thick stench of decay,  there was no noise just silence.  Not one bird chirped, nor one cricket sung...just silence, an eerie feeling indeed.  Every hair on my body stood on ends, my born abilities knowing nature was as humans would say "the alarm bells were ringing," and loudly mind you.  I did not have time to investigate, I needed to get through the portal for my tiny potioneer, Olette needed ingredients for the new potions she was concocting.  Just as I was about to get through the ancient branch portal the shadows started closing in.  Each shadow reaching claw like towards me or....was it towards the portal... This portal holds great value and is hidden from human sight.  Only immortal beings or those with true magic are able to see & use the portal to take us to the lands where to old ones came from.  The tale of this land is for another time...for you see what concerns me is the shadow was not of natural magic, I could sense that.  This was a dark magic, one I have felt only once before... That before was when my village was attack when I was a young wood elf.  I may have been young, but that unnatural feeling of dark magic used stayed with me this whole time.  It brought my village to it's this dark magic back to destroy the land of the old ones.  Needless to say, I was not strong enough even with Olette & her potions with me to attack.  Around the portal a protection circle was place, with the ancient knowledge all Wood Elf's are taught. I believe it should hold until we can gather a party & find where the source of the dark magic is coming from.  Can I count on you adventurer to help aide me in this quest?

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Journey to the Lands of the Lost Ones

 Tis that time again, when I must journey out to the lands of the ones that fell in battle, passed from sickness, plague or age.  It's not a journey or a time I look forward to.  The memories flood my every thought.  Things that were, is and how it could have been.  Thoughts of what I could have done better to prevent losing those warriors.  Yes, I know not everyone is a warrior, but when facing down death and his cold hands we all become warriors.  I've just closed The Nightblade Inn, blew out the last of the candles, boarded up the windows and doors.  My bag is packed with basic provisions for Toor, the little potioneer, and of course myself. So dear friend if you are reading this, The Nightblade Inn will reopen hopefully by Dies Saturni, ninth day, of the Month of the Goddesss Ēostre.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

An Uncourageous Battle

 This is a tale I do not often share since I was not so courageous and acted more out of fear than anything else.  This is the tale of how I defeated the 3 Rouses. 

I was young, and instead of listening to other adventurers I ventured into the Untraveled Forrest.  As soon as I entered I could feel a shift in the air.  It was thick and bitter.  The trees were more skeletal than anything, but still brought an unearthly darkness even though it was midday. There was absolute silence not one bird chirped, no animals were heard in movement.  I should have left, but youth and stubbornness had the last say and I traveled deeper in.  I felt the fear creeping inside me, so I unsheathed my daggers and crouched down and moved farther and farther in. The farther I went it felt like the trees and their skeleton fingers were closing in on me.  The darkness was coming all too fast, and just as panic started to set in the noise came. A high pitch squeaking that had a touch of menacing laughter to it. I stopped ducted down farther and listened.  I then heard movement, it was too close for comfort, and holding my daggers brought little relief to me at this time.  The movement became more, and then I would catch glimpses of movement.  Whatever it was was moving so fast was there only one or was there more, I could not tell.  All of a sudden a wire haired rodent of unusual size jumped out and on me.  I fell to my back and a dagger fell from my hand.  In a panic I thought not to use the other dagger I needed the beast off of me.  The rouse made a noise like a calling it sound.  For it had to be because 2 other Rouses came from the shadows.  It was feeding time and I was the meal.  My heart beat faster and I grabbed the rouse on me by the ears and started kicking with my feet to remove this foul beast from me. I was able to get the upper had when the beast jerked away its head and rolled with my kicking one last time. I was able to jump to my feet but the odds were not in my favor. I couldn't risk retrieving the dropped dagger one false move would have been the end of me.  The three Rouses taunted me with the movements of coming forward then back again all while making this hideous squeaking noise. I saw a large branch just behind them and I knew that was my freedom, my life, I needed to get to that branch.  A plan came to mind and I only had one shot.  I started to back up, and in doing so I prayed silently to the G-ds the Rouses would move forward.  My prayers were answered, and that was exactly what they did.  As the Rouses moved forward I charged towards them and jumped on ones back then off.  I grabbed that branch and with all my might, and fear I slammed it down on all three Rouses. I heard the snap, snap, snap of spines breaking, blood seeping from their noses and mouths.  I was frozen and watched the last shudder go from their body. I turned the way I had come and all the stealth left me at that point.  Fear had seized me, my only thought was life and wanting, no NEEDING to get out of the Untraveled Forest.  I ran as fast as I could go, branches clawing my face and grabbing my arms, darkness closing in fast and the air the air taking my breath.  Even as I tell you this story traveller my breath leaves me.  That foul forest almost had my life.

My point is traveller, I did not fight with courage or to gain coin or to be the hero.  I fought out of fear and for that am most ashamed.  So, when you hear elder adventurers warn not to do something or travel somewhere it's best to least until you have more experience. 

Monday, February 28, 2022

Vic's Story as told from Klenex

Sitting in The Nightblade Inn when all is quiet and calm I can't help but reminisce about my old adventuring days.  Reminiscing about the adventurers I've meet along the way....
One such adventurer was a fighter that had seen better days.  The years had washed away his youth, his ability to partake in quest, however he was left with the memories of his adventuring years, and his willingness to share such adventures.

I came across this adventurer, along the road south of Daleville.  I saw a camp so I figured I would stop feed Charmin (my horse) and possibly have a bite to eat myself.  I  jumped down off of Charmin tied her to a tree and walked over to the fire.  There he was...the old adventurer sitting there the years had left sun leathered skin, lines where many smiles were given freely to maidens, as well as scowling at the enemy. He wore a leather brimmed hat, no armor just a simple tunic with a leather vest, linen trousers and some worn leather boots that looked as though they could have been as old as the adventurer himself.  As I approached he greeted me with a hearty "well met rogue! Not a very good one are you if you're in plain sight!"  I responded, "the best rogues are the ones that blend into the crowd and out in the open, hence I'm in the open.  What do they call you friend? I am Klenex Nightblade."  The old man eyed me with humor in his faded blue eyes and said, "Friend, eh well when you're my age a new friend is always welcomed. My name is Vic. Sit, eat, the hunting in these parts are very good.  I got me a were-rabbit just this afternoon.  Cooking it up now, sit, let's eat." 

As we sat there and the fire danced on the logs and casted shadows Vic looked at me and said, "I used to be an adventurer like you, many many years ago.  I wasn't always an adventurer story started on my 18th name day, I joined the Royal guard. The Royal guard wouldn't let me no they saw fit to put me in the storage kitchens.  My job was to order food, and other items.  Needless to say I was not happy and old Vic here decided I could make a quick coin.  I started to order more than what was required, and then I would sell the surplus to other guardsmen, to the locals, ah hell to whoever would buy. I knew I'd get caught at some point so I pinched what I could took my profits and fled the guard, the kingdom and my old life. For a while I roamed taking odd quest here and there, thieving, but only pinching from those that deserved to be stollen from.  You know the sort the merchants that can't be bothered to give a slice a bread or cup of broth to a starving soul. Then one day I happened upon the love of my life.  I saw her and knew she was the one, and I was ready to settle down.  By this point I still had quite a bit of coin from the Royal guard, from quest, pinching items and selling them as I went.  I decided I wanted my own Tavern and I was going to make an honest living and a good one to give my love the best life. It took just a little bit of time for her to agree to marry me.  After we got married we opened up a Tavern called "Vic's" just outside of Pionte Village.  There we lived and thrived, had 2 wonderful children.  One boy named after me you know, and one girl.  We were happy, but as time goes and life the kids grew up and moved on.  We grew old and eventually the G-ds saw fit to take my love before taking me. After losing her and with the kids gone I sold "Vic's" and well that's were you find me now...I roam with my old mare telling my tale to whoever will listen."

Vic's story stays with me, he was a colorful fellow with more stories to tell.  Of course his story ends with how all our stories will end...That's not how we are remembered though.  We are remembered by how we live our lives, the lives we touch and the stories we leave behind.

Monday, February 14, 2022

A Heart for you on this special day

                With Roguish delight, The Nightblade Inn wishes you a 

                                      Happy Valentines Day


Comfort at The Nightblade Inn

On this cold evening you stumble into The Nightblade Inn, hunger gnawing at you. The quest has been difficult, long. with too many losses.  Klenex cannot fix the losses or remove the difficulties of the quest...she can offer a warm bowl of stew, fresh bread & ale.  That takes care of the hunger.  Klenex tosses the bar rag onto her shoulder & sits next to you, "I'm here when you're ready to talk about it."  You both sit in silence, but it's a comforting silence. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Toor's story

Meet sweet Toor.  Toor came through an odd portal that appeared just outside the untraveled forest one day. Well, the untraveled forest is a story for another day. On with Toor’s story. When the portal opened, I was in a bit of a rush, there were guards after me (just a misunderstanding, I assure you), well Toor came falling out and what a mess he was. He was in odd clothing and a bit odd looking (as you can well tell). Being in a rush and seeing such a small, odd fellow in need I tried to pick him up gently so that I could get us both to safety. Yes, we were able to elude the guards and I brought Toor back to my hideout. There I cleaned him up, bandaged his wounds. He cannot speak, but he has his own way of communicating. He only needs to place his little hand onto yours and you can hear his thoughts. It was at this time when I learned of his special ability that I found out what had happened to him. In his world there was a great war with many weapons that have never been seen or thought of in our world. When the great war broke out the weapons destroyed bit by bit of Toor’s world. One weapon that was not truly a weapon was a travel device that had not yet been used, Toor & his fellow little beings had nothing to lose at this point only to gain if this travel device worked. It did work and as Toor was going through the portal the device made, a great explosion happened. Toor looked back as he saw a bright light, his fellow little beings disappeared and then darkness. Toor has never told me what he is, that is why I use the term little being. After saving Toor it made me want to settle my rogue ways. I built The Nightblade Inn to help all beings, however we do specialize in those that have to live in the shadows as Toor and I once had to for we have a special bond with those types.  Toor does an excellent job in the kitchen as our main cook. His favorite place to be is close to me hanging out on the shelves that hold different items of the Inn. So, if you're ever in The Nightblade Inn and you see a little being on a shelf behind me give a hardy hello and cheers to Toor. 


Entering The Nightblade Inn

 You push open the door barely attached to the hinges, an unusual silence greets uncommon for a Inn/Tavern.  You look around and see this is the place you go when you need a dark corner or to plan the next adventure.  You find a corner that's just on the boarder on the stone hearth.  Ahh, the warmth from the fire start to relax just as a female wood elf comes over.  She has the long ears of the elven race, long brown hair, and markings on her face. Battle markings you realize.  You ask about the Inn and find out she's owns it,  her name is Klenex.  "A safe place for all" she replies "sanctuary for those that live in the shadows."  You ask for a pint and whatever smells so good.  "That'll be the adventurer stew you want bread too?"  You nod.  As she leaves, you take in the place.  From treasures and trinkets, to a beer sticky floor.  The fireplace and a few torches bring an earie glow to the room.  Klenex returns with your pint, stew and bread.  You ask about any open rooms.  "Aye we got some open rooms.  Only pallet's though, and it'll cost you 2 gold.  May seem pricey, but there's protective magic here so that you'll not be found.  What say you?"  You reach into your coin purse and pull out 3 gold, 1 for the meal and mead the other 2 for your room.  You cannot afford to be found, not on the journey you are the Wood Elf Klenex starts to walk away, she turns back around and says "Welcome to the Nightblade Inn."